Jalopy is a simple tool for use in formatting Java source files to a certain coding convention. But without a standalone application, Jalopy suffers from a hard to use console interface and lack of flexibility.
Though Jalopy has been integrated into many major IDEs, it would be nice to have a simple, standalone application for formatting source in a graphical fashion. Enter gui-jalopy.
gui-jalopy, the Jalopy GUI Formatter is just that, a front-end to Jalopy code formatting with a graphical interface. The graphical front-end can load files from the filesystem or get text from the system clipboard, then use Jalopy to format and return the formatted text to either of these places.
All the necessary libraries are attached to gui-jalopy, so there's no need to look for anything else.
Download GUI Jalopy 1.0.6 here.
Version 1.0.6
- Changed some of the menus around to give a more familiar interface.
- Added support for chaning the editor font.
- Added Save and Save As instead of just Save for faster saves.
Version 1.0.5
- Initial Release.
- Support for formatting editor buffer with Jalopy.
- Change Jalopy preferences with Jalopy GUI preferences dialog.
- Load and Save from and to files.
- Copy and Paste from the Clipboard to the Editor.
After GUI Jalopy is first loaded. ![]()
Before the format. ![]()
After the format. ![]()